March 30th, 2020
Caspak production during COVID-19 crisis
Following the governments extension of restrictions on which businesses remain open we wanted to reassure our customers that Caspak is considered an essential service and therefore remains fully operational. We have been working hard to fulfil our current orders with plenty of stock to do so but understand that the demands for many customers have increased.
As producers are working hard to replenish supermarket shelves and continue to supply consumers, we are making sure to supply any additional stock we may have responsibly to meet these needs. If you have any additional needs that aren’t in your current or standard order please contact your Caspak account manager ASAP to see how we can assist.
We at Caspak hope that our customers and the community at large are all staying safe during these unusual times.
March 23rd, 2020
As the world struggles to come to terms with the COVID-19 virus pandemic, facing lock-down or at the very least social isolation, we have witnessed many changes and responses across the world.
One of the most noticeable and visible reactions to these unprecedented circumstances is the continual flow of images of empty shelves in the supermarkets, leading to anxiety and concern for many groups in our communities, including our own Caspak community.
As the majority of our customers are food producers we, like you, anticipate that there is likely to be a greater need for our products in the coming weeks and months as the bid to restock shelves and ensure that there is enough supply for the increased demand continues.
We’ve noted that there is some concern in obtaining products from China which is where our experience has served us well in dealing with this market during periods such as Chinese New Year which can be the source of unexpected delays. In anticipation of this we already had measures in place to ensure that we could meet our current stock orders easily.
When you’re dealing with a critical product supply it’s important to plan ahead and mitigate potential issues. And, whilst it’s unlikely that anyone could have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic, our planning means that, apart from short delays, we are currently well placed to meet our production commitments.
We would also like to reassure our customers that our production sites are up and running at 100% capacity as normal and will continue do so unless we receive advice otherwise, so that we can ensure that all orders can be fulfilled. We have introduced additional hygiene measures in accordance with advice from Government Health authorities to minimise spread.
With Australia having closed its borders from 9pm on Friday 20th March, it’s important to note that, as most airlines have cancelled their flights into Australia, large quantity air freight is unlikely to be an option. We may be able to accommodate small orders of 100kg or less via air freight through DHL, who are currently still operating.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely as the position evolves on a daily basis and will provide updates as necessary, in particular in relation to transport and warehouse facilities.
We would like to extend our thoughts to our customers and the community in general and hope that everyone stays safe during these difficult times.